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Head of Department: Miss K Earl

This is an after-school option only

What is Statistics GCSE?

GCSE Statistics enriches and extends the statistics topics taught as part of GCSE Mathematics. It will allow pupils to become familiar with more advanced statistical methods and ideas. These have applications in many school subjects and a wide range of careers.

What skills will I develop?

In addition to the statistics and probability skills taught in the GCSE Mathematics course, pupils will learn about:

  • the normal distribution
  • standard deviation
  • time series analysis
  • index numbers
  • binomial distribution
  • correlation (including coefficients) and causation

What syllabus will I follow?

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Statistics (1ST0)

What will the course look like?

The course will run as an after-school option from 3-5 pm. Statistics is offered on two different days of the week, but exact days will depend on numbers and timetabling and won't be confirmed until after the options process.

We run the course over a single year: pupils will complete the examination in the summer of year 10.

What homework will I get?

To condense the course into a single year, independent study is an integral part of the GCSE Statistics option. Pupils will be set homework each week. This may consist of readings from the textbook, as well as exercises to be completed. We would advise around an hour a week should be spent on this, although this will be higher in the run up to the examination

How will I be assessed?

Pupils sit two examination papers, each lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes and equal in weight. These assesses the entire course and a calculator is required. We recommend the Casio FX-85GT CW calculator

There are no controlled assessment for GCSE Statistics

Are there any entry requirements for this course?

We would only recommend this course to those pupils who have demonstrated a mastery of the CVC E scheme topics by the end of year 9. Your teacher will be able to advise whether this course would suit you.

If I need additional support, what can I access?

All of your lessons will be available to access on OneNote and the textbook we use is extremely comprehensive. In addition, your teacher will always be happy to help you and will give you lots of support and materials to help you revise for the exams.

Please note that as this is an after-school course there is an additional charge of £300 to cover teaching and resources costs. The course fee will include a copy of a textbook for the course.


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